Time for a trip to Maui! We arrived Friday afternoon about 2pm Maui time, ate lunch at that quintessential Hawaiian restaurant, Denny's, then headed to K-Mart to get supplies. We arrived at the resort just in time to be present when about 3/4 of the resort was also arriving.
The first picture is the requisite group picture - me, Brian, Janet, Rachel and Andrea. Pretty good looking bunch, at least until the sun and ocean get a whack at us.
Our room looks out over the Pacific, as noted in the second picture. The ocean is pretty rough right now, much rougher than we've seen in the past. The surfers are loving it.
Of course, what would Hawaii be without beautiful sunsets. And people to take pictures of them. In pic 3, Andrea and Rachel try to capture that beauty.
The nautical nature of Hawaii can't be overlooked, either. Everywhere you go you are confronted with dugouts and outriggers. Picture 4 is of one of the anchors that is used to hold Maui in place. At least, I think that's what they're for. These are all over the place around here, so they must have some practical purpose.
And last, a picture of the guy guarding the beach. Signs inform all who come near that there are no lifeguards around here, so this guy tries to scare people into not going near the water - but they do anyway.
More later....